I've been using the software for quite a while and I've encountered a problem that jeopardies my work
I have a task that stores the backup as zip and has a password I set a long time ago.
Unfortunately, the password that I remember is incorrect. I tried all sorts of combinations close to what I remember, and even tried some dictionary attacks with potential password-structure but no luck.
When I open the task (or a new task) it gives me the option to use the same password (meaning, it is saved in the software somewhere), and I see a hash of it in MainList.lst but I can't decode it.
Attached are some screenshots of the situation.
Is there a way to help?
I've been using the software for quite a while and I've encountered a problem that jeopardies my work
I have a task that stores the backup as zip and has a password I set a long time ago.
Unfortunately, the password that I remember is incorrect. I tried all sorts of combinations close to what I remember, and even tried some dictionary attacks with potential password-structure but no luck.
When I open the task (or a new task) it gives me the option to use the same password (meaning, it is saved in the software somewhere), and I see a hash of it in MainList.lst but I can't decode it.
Attached are some screenshots of the situation.
Is there a way to help?
Statistics: Posted by aberkowi — 27 May 2024, 20:13