I have to change a destination folder of a Task. This task have a number of copies to save (copias a guardar). When save a new copy CB try to delete the old one buto the path is wrong:
"2023-03-02 11:50 Un error ha ocurrido mientras se borraba "D:\Carpetas\CptBackUps\CadaMes12x1\Exopol_Mensual_local 2022-03-01 23;30;06 (Completo).zip": El sistema no puede encontrar la ruta especificada"
How I can to change the path of history saved?
"2023-03-02 11:50 Un error ha ocurrido mientras se borraba "D:\Carpetas\CptBackUps\CadaMes12x1\Exopol_Mensual_local 2022-03-01 23;30;06 (Completo).zip": El sistema no puede encontrar la ruta especificada"
How I can to change the path of history saved?
Statistics: Posted by albizu — 02 Mar 2023, 12:13