Today I got an error message from Cobian Backup 11:
ERR 2022-02-11 << A new Version is available: 0.9 BETA>>
On your Website you state that: The successor of the old reliable Cobian Backup is now out and available from this same site. This is a BETA version and some bugs are still expected. Please, report them using the support forum.
I need a Backup for my professional work. So is it an error to stay with Cobian Backup11, that I used for 8 years without problems.
Or should I switch to became beta tester for Cobian Reflector, risking my private business, if a backup does not work properly?
Sincerely yours, a very confused user, Hans Albers
ERR 2022-02-11 << A new Version is available: 0.9 BETA>>
On your Website you state that: The successor of the old reliable Cobian Backup is now out and available from this same site. This is a BETA version and some bugs are still expected. Please, report them using the support forum.
I need a Backup for my professional work. So is it an error to stay with Cobian Backup11, that I used for 8 years without problems.
Or should I switch to became beta tester for Cobian Reflector, risking my private business, if a backup does not work properly?
Sincerely yours, a very confused user, Hans Albers
Statistics: Posted by hansalbers — 11 Feb 2022, 23:43