litle FTP thing - got error when testing ftp connection with initial directory included parameter (e.g. %%FNDATENOTIME)
part of adv.log explaining issue -
imho, right behavior in this case - testing directory without parameter (which one will be created on real backup task action, as I`m hoping)
later p.s. oh no.. looks like directory by parameter (%FNDATENOTIME) does not created, unlike Gravity ...
:is this bug or feature?
anyway, был очень рад, что работа над программой продолжилась
litle FTP thing - got error when testing ftp connection with initial directory included parameter (e.g. %%FNDATENOTIME)
part of adv.log explaining issue -
Testing your ftp settings...Licence expiry date: 31.12.9999Set LocalDirectory to C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\2\scoped_dir2688_1782115280Licence expiry date: 31.12.9999waitOnShutdownSSL=TrueStrictReturnCodes=FalseSetting socket timeout=20000SecureSocket timeout=20000SecureSocket timeout=20000Command encoding=System.Text.SBCSCodePageEncodingSetting socket buffer sizes=-1220 (vsFTPd 3.0.3)---> USER backup331 Please specify the password.---> PASS ********230 Login successful.ChangeWorkingDirectory('/DocsDaily/%FNDATENOTIME')---> CWD /DocsDaily/%FNDATENOTIME550 Failed to change directory.Expected reply codes = [200,250] (strict=False)ChangeWorkingDirectory error: Failed to change directory. (code=550)Purging task queueDefaulting to Unix parsing---> QUIT221 Goodbye.Shutdown(Both)KeepAlive thread finished.
later p.s. oh no.. looks like directory by parameter (%FNDATENOTIME) does not created, unlike Gravity ...
2021-12-12 00:46:14 Backing up the task "1CBasesDaily" 2021-12-12 00:46:14 Changing the backup type to full. Reason: first backup of the task. 2021-12-12 00:46:14 Requesting the creation of a Volume Shadow Copy image for the source... 2021-12-12 00:46:19 The Volume Shadow Copy image has been successfully created. 2021-12-12 00:46:19 Starting the copy. The user running the task is: SYSTEM 2021-12-12 00:46:19 Compressing the sources into a global monolithic archive... 2021-12-12 00:46:19 Adding the directory "D:\1CBases" to the archive... 2021-12-12 00:47:37 Clearing the archive attribute of the processed files... 2021-12-12 00:47:37 The monolithic archive "C:\Windows\TEMP\1CBasesDaily.zip" has been created. Files in archive: 5. Folders: 43. Ignored files: 183 Uncompressed size: 8,58 GB 2021-12-12 00:47:37 Connecting to 2021-12-12 00:47:37 Connected to 2021-12-12 00:47:37 Logged in into the remote server.ERR 2021-12-12 00:47:37 Couldn't change the remote directory to "/1CBasesDaily/2021-12-12": Failed to change directory. (code=550) 2021-12-12 00:47:37 * Backup part for the task "1CBasesDaily" has ended. Number of backed up files: 0. Backup part size: 0 bytes. * 2021-12-12 00:47:37 Deleting the temporary archive "C:\Windows\TEMP\1CBasesDaily.zip"... 2021-12-12 00:47:38 The temporary archive "C:\Windows\TEMP\1CBasesDaily.zip" has been successfully deleted. 2021-12-12 00:47:38 ** Backup for the task "1CBasesDaily" has ended. Number of backed up files: 4. Created folders: 0. Backup
anyway, был очень рад, что работа над программой продолжилась
Statistics: Posted by Adkinson — 11 Dec 2021, 22:59