Dear Cobian,
This is NOT a Cobian issue, but I am hoping if you have a workaround for it.
Under the old Cobian Backup, an error is thrown whenever Backup comes across a file that is locked and the program locking it is not VSS compliant.
In my wrapper code, I check for an kill a number of these programs, but sometimes the users needs them left running, so my wrapper has a switch to not kill vss stinkers. But they get marginal backups because of it. Thunderbird and QuickBooks are the main offenders.
Any ideas?
Many thanks,
This is NOT a Cobian issue, but I am hoping if you have a workaround for it.
Under the old Cobian Backup, an error is thrown whenever Backup comes across a file that is locked and the program locking it is not VSS compliant.
In my wrapper code, I check for an kill a number of these programs, but sometimes the users needs them left running, so my wrapper has a switch to not kill vss stinkers. But they get marginal backups because of it. Thunderbird and QuickBooks are the main offenders.
Any ideas?
Many thanks,
$TaskList = RunCmd ( "tasklist" ); for $TaskList.lines -> $Line { my $ImageName = $Line; $ImageName ~~ s/ " " .* //; # print "ImangeName = [$ImageName]\n"; if $ eq "chrome.exe".lc | "brave.exe".lc | "firefox.exe".lc | "iexplore.exe".lc | "msedge.exe".lc | "vivaldi.exe".lc | "QBW32.EXE".lc | "thunderbird.exe".lc { print(" task to kill: taskkill.exe /IM " ~ $ImageName ~ "\n" ); RunCmd( "taskkill.exe /IM " ~ $ImageName ~ Q[ > nul 2>&1] ~ "\n" ); } }
Statistics: Posted by Todd — 07 Dec 2021, 03:21