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Cobian Reflector • Archive Attribute Function

I noted that my differential backups were completeing as were my full backups yet the backups were wrong. The full backup wasn't backing up everything. Turned out the archive attributes were set for all files and it was excluding them? Then I found that the differential wasn't picking up new files I'm guessing because the archive attribute was already set from the initial download from the internet. The Cobian manual kind of makes me think that this was addressed by Cobian.

I went and reset everyting to remove the archive attributes and then the full ran and backed up everything as it should have. However, the differential also backed up everything. Cobian did not set the archive attribute after it completed the full backup. Nor did it after it completed the differential.

What is supposed to be happening? Obviously my expectation is that these archive attributes must be set after a full backup to be able to create a differential. My understanding of the differential is that Cobian compares the files in the full backup to the files be backed up in the differential (not using the archive attribute) to figure out what should be backed up? I'm not sure it does but that's what I thought I read. Apparently Cobian doesn't read or set the archive attributes of the files in the differential just usng the full catalog to supposedly determine what files qualilfy for the differential? Since I'm getting mulltiple full backups that's not happening.I 'm not sure what I should be expecting especially in a differential?

Statistics: Posted by CityguyUSA — 21 Aug 2024, 20:31

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