Bug report:
Windows 10 Pro 22H2
Two bugs to report:
1) the command line does not work and does not show its run string the log. "Cancel the task if task fails" is activated.
2024-01-12 17:15:56 Executing a command line event and waiting for completion...
2024-01-12 17:15:56 The commands have been successfully executed and completed.
2024-01-12 17:15:56 The pre-backup events have been executed.
2) And the command returns an "exit 1" but the task was not stopped, if it was even run.
The commands tried:What is the "/c" in the example anyway. That need to also be corrected or at least explained.
"Wait for completion: Yes", and "Cancel the task if some even fails" is checked.
From the command line:
Windows 10 Pro 22H2
Two bugs to report:
1) the command line does not work and does not show its run string the log. "Cancel the task if task fails" is activated.
2024-01-12 17:15:56 Executing a command line event and waiting for completion...
2024-01-12 17:15:56 The commands have been successfully executed and completed.
2024-01-12 17:15:56 The pre-backup events have been executed.
2) And the command returns an "exit 1" but the task was not stopped, if it was even run.
The commands tried:
/C "C:\Program Files\Rakudo\bin\raku.exe" C:\NtUtil\TestServer.pl6"C:\Program Files\Rakudo\bin\raku.exe" C:\NtUtil\TestServer.pl6
"Wait for completion: Yes", and "Cancel the task if some even fails" is checked.
From the command line:
>"C:\Program Files\Rakudo\bin\raku.exe" C:\NtUtil\TestServer.pl6RtnStr = <ping -w 100 -n 1 not found <>C:\NtUtil>echo %errorlevel%1
Statistics: Posted by Todd — 13 Jan 2024, 02:27