So since I figured Out I could use things like dd, ddd and MM to make backups that automatically keep "n" events and replace the oldest one automatically, I've been anxiously waiting for you to implement something. A couple of days ago I realized I could just write a small command line program that would just update the appropriate line in "Cobian Reflector.ini" but since it's stored in "Program Files" I don't have permission. Is there a reason you don't put the file in ProgramData where I would be allowed to change them. I can't seem to rename the file, but I can seem to create a new one, but not write to it so I end up with a zero byte file. Likely some of the problem is my lack of understanding, but I still wonder if those files don't belong in ProgramData.
Statistics: Posted by ira — 26 Dec 2023, 19:00