Bug viewtopic.php?f=3&t=1206&p=5489#p5489 especially makes the follow annoying.
I have found that "execute and Wait" has a bug in it. If the parameters has a leading space at the front of the string, the parameters are ignored or the program does not run, I can not tell which. Removing the space and happy camping returns.
This is the specific command I an having issues with:
Execute and wait: "C:\Program Files\Rakudo\bin\raku.exe" C:\NtUtil\CobianWrapper.pl6 --rotates 20 --backup_path BACKUP]\MyDocsBackup\backup1
When I copy and paste the parameters, if I forget and copy the leading space to the parameter's line, nothing happens (not even the shell which Raku runs in [it might happen to fast to be seen]). I CONSTANTLY have to trouble shoot this issue.
Would you please consider placing a "trim" when reading in the parameter string:
$ raku -e 'say trim " abc";'
$ raku -e 'say trim Q| C:\NtUtil\CobianWrapper.pl6 --rotates 20 --backup_path [BACKUP]\MyDocsBackup\backup1|;'
C:\NtUtil\CobianWrapper.pl6 --rotates 20 --backup_path [BACKUP]\MyDocsBackup\backup1
Many thanks,
Bug viewtopic.php?f=3&t=1206&p=5489#p5489 especially makes the follow annoying.
I have found that "execute and Wait" has a bug in it. If the parameters has a leading space at the front of the string, the parameters are ignored or the program does not run, I can not tell which. Removing the space and happy camping returns.
This is the specific command I an having issues with:
Execute and wait: "C:\Program Files\Rakudo\bin\raku.exe" C:\NtUtil\CobianWrapper.pl6 --rotates 20 --backup_path BACKUP]\MyDocsBackup\backup1
When I copy and paste the parameters, if I forget and copy the leading space to the parameter's line, nothing happens (not even the shell which Raku runs in [it might happen to fast to be seen]). I CONSTANTLY have to trouble shoot this issue.
Would you please consider placing a "trim" when reading in the parameter string:
$ raku -e 'say trim " abc";'
$ raku -e 'say trim Q| C:\NtUtil\CobianWrapper.pl6 --rotates 20 --backup_path [BACKUP]\MyDocsBackup\backup1|;'
C:\NtUtil\CobianWrapper.pl6 --rotates 20 --backup_path [BACKUP]\MyDocsBackup\backup1
Many thanks,
Statistics: Posted by Todd — 11 Sep 2022, 03:35