I have written regular expression in the 'Exclude files Filter' as given in the example to exclude file extension other than jpg, jpeg and png
Regular Expression: ^.*\.(?!mp4$|jpeg$|png$)[^.]+$
Regular Expression: ^.*\.(?!txt$)[^.]+$ (It is working properly)
When I am running the task i am getting the below error:
Regular Expression: ^.*\.(?!mp4$|jpeg$|png$)[^.]+$
Regular Expression: ^.*\.(?!txt$)[^.]+$ (It is working properly)
When I am running the task i am getting the below error:
ERR 2022-05-14 14:42:49 An unexpected error occurred: Illegal characters: [|] in path.Parameter name: pathERR 2022-05-14 14:42:49 Source: AlphaFS Details: at Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.Path.CheckInvalidPathChars(String path, Boolean checkAdditional, Boolean allowEmpty) at Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.Path.ApplyFullPathOptions(String path, GetFullPathOptions options) at Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.Path.GetRegularPathCore(String path, GetFullPathOptions options, Boolean allowEmpty) at Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.Path.GetPathRoot(String path, Boolean checkInvalidPathChars) at Cobian.Reflector.Engine.VSCClient.GetFileOrDirectoryCopy(String fd) at Cobian.Reflector.Engine.CopyComponent.checkVSC() at Cobian.Reflector.Engine.CopyComponent.backupAction() at Cobian.Reflector.Engine.BackupComponent.Backup() at Cobian.Reflector.Engine.TaskBackupExecutor.startBackup(BackupTask subTask, String backupId, DateTime backupTime, Boolean lastDestination) at Cobian.Reflector.Engine.TaskBackupExecutor.Process()
Statistics: Posted by Naren — 14 May 2022, 11:55